Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Teething, Sleeping, Bathing and other Ing's

So we have finally arrived to another stage of teething. Caroline already has her two bottom teeth which we found on Christmas morning, and is now about to cut her top two teeth. (I am sure she is going to be the cutest thing ever with her four little teeth). But teething is a long drawn out process that I am ready to be done with!

With teething comes: a small fever, little cough, less long sleep (naps and nights), runny poop and the lovely but always present drool fest 2011. I have been using Infants Tylenol when needed and Baby Oragel to help my sweetness with the pain. But this morning at 4am while she awoke in pain, all I could do was hold her and rock her hoping that my love would help to ease the uncomfortableness. Even though I hate to to loose sleep or hear her cry, there is something sweet about rocking her that early in the morning. But either way, I am ready for these teeth to make their grand entrance :)

Sleeping in our household has become a endeavor for sure. As most of you know, Caroline is co-sleeping with us. Both Chris and I don't mind her being in the bed with us, but I am realizing that I have created somewhat of an issue. I put her down in her bassinet every night in the hopes that she might stay there the rest of the evening. She is asleep when I put her down, but lately has been waking up soon after. I have let her cry it out for a little while, but I haven't gone longer than 30 minutes. It doesn't seem to help and we end up getting her out and rocking her back to sleep, and eventually she winds up back in the bed with us where she sleeps pretty soundly the rest of the night.

Although I realize that this is not ideal, I have some of the best moments of my life when I lay down with my sweet little girl in my arms and my sweet husband holding both of us. Life doesn't seem to get much better, and my heart is practically bursting with fullness. The other morning as Caroline was going down for her nap, tears poured out of my eyes with gratefulness for the precious love that I have for her and for my family. Sometimes life just is perfect!

Bathing on the other hand is fun times in the Campbell household. Caroline loves her bath time and we eat up the laughter and play time with her. It begins with the derobing process. We pull her shirt off until it is tight around her head. We then stand her up and turn her toward the mirror so that she can see herself in the mirror. (The shirt becomes a make-shift chef hat and is so cute!)

 She laughs, we laugh and all of us make babbling noises in unison. Once she gets in the bath it gets even better. She kicks, laughs, plays with her toys and takes the big cup we use to act like she is drinking from it, or proceeds to douse her self with water.

As I look at my daughter I am overcome with the masterpiece that God made in her. It reminds me often of Psalm 139.
 13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
I love that He is so much a part of my life with Caroline and Chris. And He is the maker of all ThING's! 

Anyways... just wanted to update you on what's happening our sweetness and let you in to our day to day lives.

Singing His praises,

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