Monday, March 7, 2011


You know being a mom brings out any woman's hypochondriac symptoms...anytime Caroline sneezes I freak. (LOL) I have made mention to this a couple times but when Caroline was a couple weeks old, she spit up a lot of her food in one sitting. I hysterically cried thinking that Caroline had something seriously wrong with her, and after panicking, a very close mother friend of mine told me to pick up mylicon. I did, Caroline was fine and I calmed down. Fast forward a month or two, Caroline became very sick one night. (A throwing up child does nothing for a mom by the way.) After several calls to the doctors, a freakout session on my husband, holding the baby upright all night and a trip to the Dr.'s in the morning...they told me everything was fine.

I say all this to tell  you that I am more than ever thankful for a healthy child. This morning I had to take her to the eye doctor to check on her eyes. She has clogged tear ducts, and one eye every now and then would cross. Of course our pediatrician told us that it was probably nothing but as a first time mom, I dreaded the worse. And let me give you a bit of advice....never Google your child's symptoms. It will always tell you that your child has the worse case scenario.
Anyways...he referred us to a pediatric eye doctor and so we went this morning. I was super nervous going into it, but prayed for peace and asked for prayer before going from some very dear friends of mine. As we sat in the chair with the Dr. I just knew that everything was going to be fine. And of course it was, Caroline is nothing but a healthy little girl.

As I sat in the waiting room with all these precious little children with glasses I was overwhelmed with gratefulness for a healthy baby girl. No matter what comes our way, I know that she is exactly who God made her to be. I mean why freakout when I know that He made her. Why freakout when I know that He knows what tomorrow will hold for us. It's so easy to get overwhelmed with the "what if's" but the "what if's" don't get you anywhere.

In Caroline's room there is two prayers hanging on her wall. One from her father and one from me. Of course Chris being the calm logical one, his prayer contains Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

So why worry? It tells me to not worry but be thankful. Man do I need to practice this as a mother.
Lord forgive me for worrying so much about things that you already have control over. You love Caroline more than I do, (which is a lot) so I know that you will take care of her. And Lord, thank you for letting me be a mom to her. Out of all the babies in the world, you chose me to be her mom. You must have some confidence in me, and my ability to mother her. Thank you for a healthy baby girl and thank you for her sweet eyes. We love you...Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Lindsey,
    Yes, be thankful for your sweet, healthy baby girl...but I can tell you this about wouldn't matter if all of a sudden your world came crashing in around you and your baby was broken right in front of you...she would still be absolute perfection to you. She is yours. The cry of my heart is for my child to be healed...but she is already whole because she is is Caroline.

    I so love reading your blog. You are such an amazing mom...and love that you are SO REAL. Caroline will be an incredible woman of God...and have you to thank for raising her in His image.
