Monday, February 28, 2011

Everyone Said It Would Get Easier

So many people said..."It gets easier...I promise". I thought they were lying. But as it turns out they were partly true. Don't get me wrong, being a mom is still on the list for one of the most challenging things I have ever done, but it's getting alot more fun! Which in turn makes it so much easier.

There is so much that she does now, it's like all the hard work is paying off. I mean in the past couple days, she looks at me with a "I love you as much as you love me." look. She reaches for me when I go to pick her up. She laughs when I laugh at her. She smiles at me when she knows I need it. She is so perceptive and animated that I could just sit and watch her as she discovers the world. It's the most incredible thing that I have the privilege to witness all her firsts.

The first time she felt the wind in her face.
The first time she heard the sound of rain.
The first time she tasted something she loved.
The first time she tasted something she didn't love.
and so many others...

These are all blessings for me. So to say it is getting easier just means that I am getting more of a hang at this job and she is getting to be a blast! Maybe that's what everyone meant.


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