Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sacrificial Love

As I type my little sweetness is snoozing away in that big king size bed of ours and she couldn't be more lovable than she is now. But I do have to say that the past 24 hrs have been a little challenging as she has come down with a nasty little cold. Watery eyes, stuffy and runny nose, little cough and sneezing makes for long days and unfortunately...long nights. With the vaporizer, baby vic's on her chest and feet, me holding her upright to sleep all night and her little snore, had her snoozing semi through the night and me wide awake for most of it.

Even though I am exhausted, I couldn't be more happier. She has been in the best mood! (A little trooper she is) And it leads me to believe, that I would sacrifice my comfort, my sleep, my anything for her. I want her to feel loved, cared for, comfortable and most importantly...I want her to feel better. So I would go to any lengths necessary to help her get there~ but one things for sure is I can't do it for her. God is teaching me this lesson over and over. Life's little "sicknesses" are necessary because they help build our immune system.

I am one of those people who desperately wanted to get pregnant and be a mom. When Chris and I decided that we were OK with the idea of having a child...I childishly thought it would happen immediately. And every time my monthly gift would come along, I felt disappointed and frustrated. I just knew that being pregnant was going to be perfect and fantastic. I knew that being a mom was going to perfect and fantastic... and I wanted both right that moment.

Don't get me wrong, both experiences were and are great. But they both have, and are, building my faith. They are not easy things to go through. Your body is no longer your own. It is someonelse's. You no longer exist for yourself. You exist for someonelse. And neither are cakewalks for sure. Beth Moore in her Bible Study The Patriarchs put it's this way.

"Somehow we never grow accustomed to the idea that pain and difficulties are part of the human experience. God is not going to exempt His children from life's difficulty. Rather, He highlights those very challenges to prove our faith is genuine. Our difficulties are filled with meaning and far-reaching effects, leaving warm blessings on this earthly journey."

Like I said...going the painful process of getting pregnant, was emotionally taxing. Being sick 5 months of my pregnancy was not fun. The painful process of having the baby is a whole different blog. The sleepless nights and breastfeeding challenges are exahausting to say the least. Taking care of my little sweetness when she is sick is difficult. Holding her while she is crying is painful. Not getting any sleep is awful. But showing her that I love her and that I am here for her has far-reaching effects and leaves me with the warm blessing of learning to love sacrificialy. All good things, all promises, all hope has their moments of testing. We will, becuase of the grace of God, stand victorious at the end! So again even though I am exhausted and wishes that sweetness wasn't sick, I am happy because I know that these little challenges are making me a better mommy, wife and child of the King.


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