Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Zone: Balancing God, Baby, Marriage and Me

Well, as of Valentines Day, Chris is embarking on a new journey as he participates in his works biggest loser program. His goal is to lose 30 something pounds and to do so my dad recommended a new eating plan to help. (I don't like to use the word diet :))
This new plan is called The Zone. It's a simple (or seems) approach to losing weight where you balance your protein and carbohydrate intake. One for one. Chris and I have been grocery shopping and now we are trying to figure it out. Needless to say it has made me think...shouldn't we all be in "The Zone"?

As a new mom, life has it's moments of feeling completely out of balance. There are days where absolutely nothing gets done, and I am more exhausted than if I had run a marathon. There are days, where I am a powerhouse and get everything done. There are days when Chris and I are at each other because we are exhausted and then there are days where we are so on the same page it's stupid. There are days where I get to do a quiet time with the Lord... and then there are many days I am just uttering scriptures under my breath to keep my sanity. And then there is a day (few and far between) where I get to do something just for myself. Whether that be a long warm bath, a quick shopping trip, or just some needed rest.

So as I laid in bed last night thinking, I need to do a Zone diet for my life. You know one for one. Balancing my time, balancing my emotions, balancing what goes in with what comes out. In this book, in the back, there is a section where it list poor choices and good choices for eating. Just like in life there are poor choices and good choices. So here are some of the ways I am going to try and start balancing life.

I like to watch TV: you know the good stuff like The Bachelor :) But I will go a whole day with out spending any time with God. That is out of balance. So I need to do a one for one... I need to balance what's going into my mind. I have time... I just have to make it. So if that means forgoing a TV show to read my Bible or pray~ it's worth it. I will feel better and in turn be better.

Chris and I have decided that a family bed is what works for us right now... so that being said Caroline sleeps between us. This is out of balance. So in turn we have to be intentional about our time together. Date nights, leaving her with our parents to go on a weekend getaway, putting her to bed early enough to spend some time together. This will make sure we don't lose us in the midst of her.

I stay home with Caroline, so I get no time for myself. It's a 24 hr job 7 days a week. This is out of balance. I need time for me. Time to just relax and rejuvenate. So I need to do some R&R. When Chris gets home, I can pass the baby off and go to the gym, go take a bath or go to Starbucks and read for a half hour. I will feel better and in turn be happier.

They are all one for ones and will make me and my life healthier. There are so many other ones that I need to do, but if I start with baby steps I am more likely to succeed. It's really simple to say the least... it's a matter of putting it into practice that takes some work. Life is all about balance. So, for me... I am ready to get in the zone.



  1. Great post! My word for this year is Balance so I understand where you're coming from.

  2. I like this picture of being in the Zone of life and making better choices. Remember, though, that part of the zone of life is the season of parenting that you are will not be one carb, one this season of giving in your motherhood & your wifehood...thanks for the encouraging words
