Monday, June 6, 2011

Nothing is safe anymore

So  Miss C decided last week that she was ready to crawl. I wasn't quite sure if she was going to honestly. She didn't seem much interested in it, she seemed much more interested in standing on her own. So I thought she might just skip crawling all together and go straight to walking. But in a quick day and half turn around she changed her mind and since then it has been no stopping this wild woman!

Since she started crawling though I have realized how un-baby safe my home is now. I have bookshelves to start off in the living room. EVERYTHING on the bottom two shelves has to be removed. Any thing that is plugged in ANYWHERE is looking much like candy to my new crawler. If there is anything on the floor it goes in the mouth, so I have to vaccum three times a day! Every cabinet in my kitchen HAS to be locked. And finally... there is no more taking naps with mommy in her bed (we found that out the hard way). I mean NOTHING is safe anymore.

It kind of is bitter sweet to be in this new season. I mean, to watch her little self crawl all over the place is the cutest thing ever, but at the same time I feel like its too early to be baby proofing my home. It goes by so fast and I know I have said that more than once on this blog. But I was reminded even more of that this morning as I was able to see a new little life come into this world. A very good friend of mine gave birth to a 7lb 4oz little boy almost exactly nine months after me. We laugh because she got pregnant the weekend I gave birth.

So as I am baby proofing she is baby adjusting. I feel like I was just there and yet I am already here. Nothing in this life is safe anymore... it moves to fast. I feel like I just need to hold on to my hat and pray that I remember each moment as it is.  And right now I will enjoy baby proofing my home and laugh as I watch my sweetness discover the world.

Here she is trying to crawl for the first time last weekend.


1 comment:

  1. we're right there with you! just when i thought we had done a pretty good job baby-proofing, maddux seems to find something else to get into! it's half funny and half annoying. :)
