Sunday, June 26, 2011

It almost brought me to tears

Tonight I had one of those moments...where it feels as though your heart is so full it might possibly just burst and there was no apparent reason for it other than the Sweetness was just being sweet.

1st of all, the evening routine is what makes my days around here. There is nothing more in this world that I love than the last two hours of the day with C. I fix her dinner (tonight she had shells and cheese with green beans, and blueberries for dessert.) and watch her enjoy food. She has begun smacking her lips when something taste good and tonight there was more smackin' going on than I could keep up with. It was too cute!

Then we go on our family walk. Since the summer has started we go every night as long as it's not raining. I love the time I get to spend with my two most favorite people in the world. Chris and I get to talk about our day and sweet C is a people watcher. I love summer nights like these.

Than we get home and it's play time before we hit the bath. Tonight though I got to have a great laugh session with Caroline, and we were both so tickled our sides were aching... although I am assuming C's did too. And then it was bath time where we played and played and played. Then as we got out I let C stand in the mirror and blow air on it to create the smoke look on the mirror. She just thought it was the funniest thing ever!

Then it was snuggle time with two of our favorite books, Runaway Bunny and My Friends. Caroline holds her bottle with one hand and touches each picture with the other. So sweet. And after I finish the books, I turned out the lights, C turned into me as the rocker began rocking both of us into a state of peacefulness. Her to a land of dreams and me staring at the beautiful child God so graciously gave. I have memorized everything about her you know...but every time I look at her while she sleeps it's as if I am seeing her for the first time again. I am mesmerized by her and desperately in love with her.

I laid sweet C in her crib, gently closed the door and walked into the living room. Shrek 3 was on, (which i have never seen) and obviously was at the end of the movie. Just as I sat down to change the channel, Shrek said these words... " You know what the best part of today was Fiona... I got to fall in love with you all over again."

This was just how I felt as I rocked my sweetness to sleep. Tears began to creep up into my eyes as I know the day will come she won't want me to rock her to sleep anymore. But for right now and every night until that day... I will fall in love with her again and again and enjoy the sweet moments I get to have with her.

Perfect evening,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me cry, L! Good grief...the love for our little ones can almost knock us over! It's always a reminder to me of how much my heavenly Father loves me...and then I get overwhelmed. :)
