Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I thought that I would let you in on some updates here in the Campbell household and with Sweetness C.

1st things 1st... Our little girl gave us a big surprise yesterday, I found two more teeth! That's 6 total!!! She is only 7 months old and has 6 teeth! That's a lot!! We found her bottom two teeth on Christmas morning, then last month she finally got the top two. Then yesterday the two on either side of the top two I found peaking through... I am just shocked!

2nd... I have made the decision to wean C from breastfeeding. I know, I know. I have gone back and forth on this decision for sometime now. But we are going to be taking a trip here in about a month for our anniversary and I don't want to be pumping the whole time. I feel like I have given her a great start, I mean 7 months is a good while (I think). She also is eating more solids now, so she isn't needing as much milk either. And last but not least...I don't like to get bit. :( It's happened several times and it's does NOT feel good!

3rd... I think I might have been misleading a while back about Caroline's sleeping. I gave a post that she slept through the night. That was one night! HA! Since then, we have had good nights and bad nights. Especially with the teething thing, hasn't made for some sound sleeping night. She was getting in a good routine though, I mean she goes to bed at 8pm and would sleep till 4am or so. But here lately, she hasn't been doing nearly 5 hours or so without waking up. Naps also have been a whole other issue. It seems lately that she doesn't like to be put down. So I think that I am going to try the CIO (cry it out) method...for real. Please pray for me because I hate (HATE) to hear the little one cry. It absolutely kills me. But I gotta do something. So I think I am going to try starting this on Monday. I need a couple more nights of snuggle time :)

4th and finally... I blogged a while back about being an isolator. I want you to know that I am doing so much better! I have gone to a moms group on Wednesdays twice now, and I have made several play dates :) I am coming out of my shell everyone! YIPEE!

anyways I hope you enjoyed catching up...If you have any advice on any of the above, I would be happy to hear it :)

Peace OUT!

1 comment:

  1. Where you going for your anniversary? 5 years right? We went to the Biltmore for ours...our 10 year is this next year...planning our trip!!! ;)
