Monday, April 11, 2011

Moments of Bliss

I can tell you that since Caroline has come into our lives there have been moments of pure love, pure joy, pure happiness...but also pure fear and pure frustration. But, I don't know if the past couple days have been us just waking up on the right side of the bed or what, but I am standing on cloud nine. My little sweetness is pure bliss right now. She is fun, sooo fun actually. The little sounds that she makes and the personality she will have is starting to come out.

Yesterday we did a first with her. We took her to the zoo.

I can't explain what it feels like to watch her discover things for the first time. As we walked through the park she was the cutest people watcher ever. Everything and everyone got the stare. It's like she was trying to figure it all out.

We finally made our way to the elephants and as I sat her on the post to watch them pass by, I was overcome with emotion. I feel like at any moment everything is going to pass me by. I will wake up and she will be 18. That one day I am going to look back on these moments as if they were fragments of a big blurr. I want to take everything and hold them in my hand and never let go.

Soon after leaving the zoo, Chris and I had to head to our church to go to an orientation for Caroline's baby dedication. We had some homework to do before the orientaion...and one of the questions we were asked to answer was "Imagine the End. What do you want your child to become by the age of 18?"

THE END???? What do  you mean the end, we only just begun!!!

Again, it made me think...these moments are so precious. So I came home and just wanted to squeeze my little sweetness. I wanted to hold her and never let go. So that's what I have done.

Today has been full of little moments that I have framed in my mind.

One like: Caroline is so close to crawling as she gets in the position and starts to rock forward. I, trying to help her, begin to crawl around her on my hands and knees. She starts laughing. I start laughing. Then she nose dives trying to imitate.

One like: Caroline is sleepy, as I notice her rubbing her eyes. I turn towards her, as she gives me the sweetest smile in the world and lifts her arms for me to pick her up. I do, and it feels as though she clings to me...pleading for me to never let her go. I rock the sweet little bundle in my arms and place her ever so soundly in the crib.

These are just every day moments, that are but a breath in our life with C. I promise to her and to you, that I desire nothing more than to never take another for granted. As I answer the question "What do you want your child to become when she is 18?" I want her to love God first and love me as much as I love her. Hope that's not to much to ask :)


1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say I love your blog, Lindsey! You are such a great writer and mom! This post gave me a lot to think about. Glad you are learning to soak up each goes by so fast! I get teary eyed thinking my Eli will be 4 in June!

    -Jenny Spottswood
