I have a lot of little things swirling around in my head today. So instead of a normal post I am just going to blurt out these things...so they GET OUT! (I have to worn you: some are weird!)
1) Last night I woke up at 2:30am. Not because the little one got up, but just because I couldn't sleep. I guess something that I watched on the news caught up with me and had me thinking for a while. There is a new missing girl around here where I live and my mind was stuck on her. I don't know her, but my heart is broken for her. I pray that they find her...I pray for her mother. As a new mom, the thought of something happening to my sweetness rattles me to the core. I can only imagine the pain her mother feels right now. I hope they find her.
2) I think that I am as plain Jane as they come. I am not very out of the ordinary, but desperately want to be. I really want to be one of those moms who makes their own food, sews and is crafty. How do you become crafty if you don't have a crafty bone in your body?... I know, find someone who is and play it off like you did all the work yourself :)
3) Where does time go? I need it to slow down. I feel like everyday C is growing in a new way. Whether it is her personality or her actions, I feel like I want to press the pause button and hold her there for just a little while longer.
4) She is about to crawl any day now. She gets on her hands and knees and is rocking back and forth. I am so afraid that my husband is going to miss this momentous occasion. So I am constantly on video duty... hoping that I will get the action shot when it happens. It makes me think of the movie "Life as we know it" with Katherine Hiegle and Josh Duhamel. Their little girl is about to walk and Katherine Hiegle is upstairs and doesn't want to miss it... as the baby starts to get going Josh Duhamel pushes the baby over so she stops walking so that Katherine won't miss the first steps. HYSTERICAL! I won't do that for Chris...but it sure is funny.
5) Sleeping is going well. She is in her own crib and is sleeping from 8pm till about 5am where she then gets a bottle and in the bed with us. I love my snuggle time so much more now, and really I miss her so much during the night.
6) We are officially done breast feeding...and I am really sad. I wish I would have done it longer now...
7) Caroline is so funny. Her personality is coming out so much more now and I love it! She is really a sweet little girl, and I am not just saying that. Her little babble is soft, cute and adorable. She smiles at everyone and her eyes light up the room.
8) She says dadada and mommamaa but she doesn't really know what she is saying. A couple weeks ago, she was up late and didn't want to go to bed, but I was pooped. Chris was taking her to stay up with her, and as he went to take her out of my arms he asked her "Do you love her?" and pointed to me...
Caroline looked at him and said "ahuh" and smiled...both Chris and I looked at each other and started laughing!
Chris asked her again and she looked at him again and said..."ahuh" We laughed!
Chris asked her one more time, and again she said "ahuh!" AMAZING!!!
I thought this time I would do it for him, so he could feel the pleasure I was feeling with her agreeing to love him too.
So I asked her "Caroline do you love him?" and pointed to her daddy.
She just stared at him and smiled! HA!!! Can't win them all :)
She does love her mommy!
anyways... those are just my few thoughts for today!