Monday, February 13, 2012

Back and Better

So, I am sure that most of you haven't even noticed...but I took a little break from blogging. I was going to pursue a side business and spent the better part of last year working on that. I also think it was good for me to break for a little bit. Gave me time to think about this...this blogging thing.

I love to write. I love to write this blog. It, most of the time, has been somewhat therapeutic for me. The early days after Caroline was first born I just needed somewhere to vent. Even if nobody was reading, it just helped me to not feel so alone. So I wrote...and wrote. I really have no idea if anybody else got anything out of it, but it was good for me.

So now... Caroline is 18 months old. Man how time has flown and man how things have changed! I have realized that I just probably will always be exhausted. Caroline demands alot of everything that I have. She is a spitfire and keeps me on my toes chasing her all over the place. Needless to say life hasn't slowed down but somehow sped up.

It's better though. I have finally learned to relax and enjoy. I feel like that first year I was just trying to keep my head above water that I missed just the simplicity of it all. The quiet nights I would just hold her, feeding her, rocking her to sleep. It went by so fast but when your in feels so slow. So now I try to remind myself that this season of running around chasing her, teaching her how to talk, teaching her what can hurt her, what she can do and can't do... the telling her no all the time, will pass... and quickly. It is a blink of the eye...isn't it?

People tell you those stupid cliche's and we just shrug them off as new moms...but it's true.

So, I am back to blogging. I am better. Stronger. More confident in this role as mom.

HA! Maybe I just like to think I am!

For now,

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I failed to mention how much I love your blog! I have related to so much of what you have written about, and adore your honesty! Glad to see you're back:)
