This is a whole different season for Miss C. Things have immensely changed since she turned a year. And thus we have been so much more busy because of this fact. I am surely chasing her around the house or trying to keep her out of things. But as I laid in bed last night and reflected on this new stage, it occurred to me, there is a lot to be learned from my little girl. So here are some things I came up with...
1) A Smile Makes Someone's Day: I can be having a rough day, and she will look at me and smile. It's in that split second that things change one degree to the right. I often walk through life with some what of a sour puss face. I am not sure if I even mean too... which is even worse. I can be walking through Wal-Mart or a store and someone will glance my direction and smile. It immediately reminds me to smile. You never know when someone else needs that smile to change their mood or uplift their spirit. So Caroline reminds me daily to share a smile with others. It could mean the world to someone.
2) Dance like everyone's watching: Caroline LOVES to dance. Chris and I LOVE to watch her. I believe that dancing is a outward appearance of joy. When you feel good and happy, coupled with some music, dancing happens. Yet so often we hide these things to ourselves. When people come around, Caroline is real good about not being shy and just dancing anyways. I want to learn to do that. I want to share my joy and happiness with others, not shrink away from it.
3) Make a Mess and Enjoy every bite: Caroline loves to feed herself and now that we are introducing her to the spoon...the mess has grown. I promise you, that child can fling food farther than you can imagine. Somehow though she still manages to scarf down some too. She loves to eat, and try new things. She will let you know if she doesn't like something, but for the most part she tries it and enjoys the process. She also likes to share with you what she's's so cute when she takes a bite and then looks at you and extends her hand to feed you the next bite. Believing with all her heart that you will like it to.
I want to make a mess in this life and enjoy it as I go along. I want to try something new and share my experience with others. I want to enjoy the things in life that we take for granted. A hot meal and a roof over my head. I also don't want to worry about cleaning everything up so my life looks perfect. I want people to see me going for it in life and maybe be inspired to do the same....mess or not.
4) Don't take life so seriously: If there is one thing a 1 year old will teach you it's this. Most of the things I spent time telling her no about were driving me more crazy then her. She wanted to open up cabinets and drawers because she can and because they are her height. So instead of fighting her on it, I have readjusted and given Caroline some drawers and cabinets of her own. Ones that have Tupperware in them, or towels that she can pull out. I can clean those things up after she is done, and she can have fun while she is doing it. It's a win win, because I don't have to worry about what she is going to find in them and she can feel like she is exploring new things. Life is about learning, and if I just walked around trying to help her avoid everything than we both end up frustrated in the end. Life doesn't have to be so black and white...sometimes the best color is a simple shad of grey.
5) It's OK to just cry sometimes. There isn't always a rhyme or reason to her crying spells but sometimes there is. Sometimes she has gotten hurt or a friend is leaving their playtime. Sometimes things that she wanted didn't end up proving to be the wisest choice. Either way, crying is the only way to deal with the pain, hurt or frustration. Often we have been taught in this life to suck it up and move on, when really whatever the hurt is, it deserves some attention. Sometimes it deserves a good cry. It doesn't have to be justified it just deserves some respect. So I am learning to just go ahead and cry... you will feel better once you get it out.
6) Hold onto your loved ones. Caroline likes to be held. I am not going to lie, there is something absolutely precious about her walking up to me, arms raised in the air, reaching for me to hold her. It use to frustrate me a little because I was either in the middle of something, or she was always wanting me to hold her. But now, I am seeing it differently. One day this stage will pass and I won't turn the corner to see her, arms raised wanting me to pick her up. One day I won't be able to rock her to sleep. So for now...I am going to hold onto her. Squeeze her. Hug her. As often as she wants me too (if feasible) I am going to try and do it. This life is short and we have precious people in our lives. Why we don't show them or tell them more often is a shame. Start today...hold onto the loved ones in your life.
7) There is just something about our daddy. Watching C with her dad reminds me that I have a heavenly Father that feels that same way about me. There is just something about Him that I love. Actually alot of things about Him. Sometimes in this life, He is the only one that will do.
8) Kiss.... A Lot! C Loves to kiss. Each morning she will give me, her dad and our dog (which she calls Bubba) a kiss. And through out the day you can guarantee she will give many more out. There is nothing sweeter, or more precious than her kisses. But it also reminds me that I have a sweet husband that could use a few more kisses from me through out our day. It's a great way to show someone how much you love kiss away and kiss alot!
9) Separation anxiety is a good thing: This one was a hard one for me to admit, but I thought about it and I realized that Caroline needs me. In her head I am the one who soothes her, feeds her, clothes her, comforts her, adores her and is constantly there for her. When I am getting ready to leave her it freaks her out because if I am gone, who will take care of her?
I thought about it, and that's how I should be with the Lord. I should be so attached to Him that the very thought of not being around Him should shake me to my core. He is all those things above to me and even more... the reason I breathe everyday. If anyone should have separation anxiety about anyone, it should be me over Him. Expect for the fact, He never goes away. But sometimes I drift and finally realize that nothing can satisfy me in this life like He can. So for me, I will show Caroline, that no matter what I will be there for her. Even if I am gone for a little while, I am always coming back...because I love her.
10) Enjoy every day: Sure this stage is tough. You can't really go out to eat, tantrums are a new experience, walking provides a whole new set of challenges, a clean house is something of the past, teething stinks and much much more. BUT, there are so many fun things too. Everyday is filled with newness and fun. Things that you think would get old, to her never do. Laughter is rampant in our house and everyday holds a new set of adventures. I will never get yesterday back and I can't worry about tomorrow. So the only other option I have is to enjoy every day as it comes. So that's what I will do. How about you?
So that's what I have learned from my sweet 1 year old. Hope you found something for you too.