Saturday, January 29, 2011

Is Anyone Out There...That Doesn't Lie?

Is anyone out there!!....

I feel alone yet I know (or believe) that there has to be others out there who are like me.
Desperately in love with their child... yet desperately exhausted.

Caroline Leigh Campbell is 4 months and 2 weeks old. She is precious! I can not even begin to describe the absolute love I feel for her. I have the incredible privledge of being her mommy and spending my days caring for her and our household. I am honored that God chose me to carry this torch of motherhood, and I do not take it for granted in the least.

But... I am tired. I am slap worn out. And for the moment it seems, there is no end in site.

Caroline and I are going through growing pains. She is growing and I am in pain :)

Here are a few things that cause this pain:

1) She does not sleep through the night yet.
2) She has acid reflux which constantly blesses me with smelling like spit up.
3) She is teething really early. We discovered her first two teeth Christmas morning :) ( Sing with me... "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth")
4) I am breastfeeding...which makes a foodie like me long for Mexican food, and spicy buffalo wings.
5) I have no clue what do for her when she has an abnormally fussy day. I don't do tears well.
6) Everyone that I meet who is also a first time mom...somehow has the easiest, sleepiest, most perfect baby in the world.
7) I have a husband who is struggling to find how he can "help".

Is there anyone out there who is like me? Anyone out there who is so in love with their baby but can admit to how hard this is?

I long for the days with a first time mom, who can just relate. But for now... Caroline is sleeping in her crib, and I will write. Maybe for my own sanity.

Caroline's Mom~ Lindsey


  1. You are certainly not alone. Everyday seems to bring a new and interesting challenge and there are moments when I've wondered what I've gotten myself into! :) It's amazing how I can feel so overwhelmed one minute, then he just giggles or gives me a sweet smile and I am head over heels in love again. Thank God for family and friends who help me keep my head on straight!

  2. You aren't alone, friend. It's a season...that passes right before your eyes at a speed so fast you won't even realize your child is walking right in front of you....I know that there are days you literally feel like you just can not get up and be someone's mom because you need your own to come take care of you (if you have that option-sometimes I use it. haha) but my advice is to slide off your bed onto your knees and PRAY. Straight up ask Him to give you what you need to provide your children what they need for the help you enjoy every second of being a mom! Generally, those end up being my better days when I remember to go to Him first.

    She's a absolute doll! Glad your blogging! Love friends that blog too! :)


  3. I read an article in a parenting magazine the other day that said something like 82% of moms lie about stuff relating to being a mother - they say it's easier to say your baby sleeps through the night than tell the truth, that they tell people what they want to hear. I was really surprised to read that. So you are one of the rare honest moms out there. Too bad it's rare.... I'm a new mom too. An honest one.
