Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Temper Tantrums

SO...I am not sure when they started, or why, but if there was a dislike button for temper tantrums I would hit it like 50,000 times. Caorline on the other hand would hit the like button everyday about 30 times a day.

It really started becoming a little overwhelming a couple days ago. It started with little things like when I would get her in her seat for meals and she would start throwing a fit until the food got there. She hates to be changed (clothes or diaper) and now that she can roll over the minute that I lay her down she immediately rolls to her belly and I have to yank her back. (this really becomes a problem when there is poo involved). Then there is when I leave the room, when I put her down for a nap or for bedtime...and when we get in the car. Yesterday she even threw one when we were in Wal-Mart, which is something she never does.

Last night, she wouldn't go to sleep even. For a while now we have done our bath, read our story, drank our bottle and then we lay her down before she is asleep. This is has worked great and things on the sleeping end have gotten so much better. But last night, and for her nap this morning, she would not go to sleep with out me getting her there by holding her. Today it took me an hour to get her to go down for a nap and my last resort was to rock her. She just keeps standing up in her crib and screaming for me...

The only time its not an issue is when someone is holding her or for split seconds here and there. I am not sure what do and what disciplinary actions I should take. I say no (especially when she is doing something that she shouldn't) and I have swatted her hand before. Neither seems to do anything. I am asking for wisdom in what I need to do because I don't want to be one of "those" parents who doesn't do anything and then has an unruly child. But, I also don't want to be too aggressive with my methods and have them backfire on me later.

The problem is she is just too sweet most of the time and this popped up out of no where. She has 8 teeth now so I don't contribute it to teething any longer. I thought maybe it could be her knees hurting from all the crawling but I don't think that either. I read somewhere that when they learn a new motor skill things get thrown off because they are so excited...that could be it. But whatever the reason I just need to know what to do as a mom.

Can anyone help me out there... I just love this sweet face and don't know what to do?????

In need of some encouragement,


  1. I'd blame teething. Kinsley is a bear these days as she is cutting her molars. She doesn't feel well, she's tired, and nothing makes her happy for very long. She wants to be held all the time because she just feels rotten. I saw that someone posted on FB about this, and I have to agree. There is really nothing you can do except try to be consistent. It may last a week or it may be a few weeks, but she will get over it and return to normal. :)

  2. To help with her crying while waiting for dinner...I wouldn't put her in until the food is ready. My girls can't watch me prepare their food without crying (sometimes it's a reassurance thing that they will be fed). She's at the age where she is finding out who she is...and her little voice is part of that! I do think that their teething does affect them greatly. You are not experiencing anything that just about every momma does! Talking to my girls calmly and in a certain tone while making eye contact with them has made a world of difference! You are such a great mom...and your patience is truly tested as one!! :)
