Monday, June 13, 2011

Still Tired...but Gaining Some Energy

If there is anything that the summer totally rejuvenates my soul! There is just something about the sunshine and pool that changes things for me. Seeing that I had Caroline at the end of the Summer (September) the first part of her life we were cooped up in the house. That was really hard for a summer girl like me. But now that we have opened our pool and the weather is nice we are out there everyday enjoying the beautiful weather and a cold pool.

That being said...don't let me fool you, I am still exhausted. This morning when I woke up my body and mind were screaming at me telling me that all they wanted to do was crawl back in bed. But as moms we don't get that luxury. So I yanked myself up, went and got the little one and quickly made myself some coffee. I got to thinking as I took my first couple sips...when was the last time I had a "good" night sleep? I would say 9 months ago before I gave birth to our sweet C, but that's not all together true either. Any woman who has been pregnant before knows that the last trimester you barely sleep. Not only are you uncomfortable but you have to get up a million times to go pee :)!

So needless to say it's been awhile and I am wondering when I will ever have a "good" night sleep again? As I think about my friends who just are now enjoying the first couple weeks of motherhood and the several times a night feedings, I feel as though Caroline and I have come along way. At least I get 5-7 hours of solid sleep :) But I still long for the day when she will sleep from 8pm-8am. Is that too much to ask? ( I can hear moms laughing all over the world!)

Either way the summer is shaping up to be wonderful for this family. I am in such a better mood now that we can get out and about a little. Caroline and I have a good routine of going to the gym so that I can work out and she can play in the kid zone, then coming home and getting in the pool! I am hoping that maybe (just maybe) I will wear her out enough that a straight through the night sleep isn't too far off in my future!

Exhausted but gaining some energy,

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