Thursday, March 22, 2012

Birthday Post-31 Reasons

So tomorrow I turn 31. Yep. 31...

It's funny, this is the first year I feel "older". There is just something about saying  I am 31 that sounds older.  I don't know...just does.

Anyways. In honor of 31 years of life,  thought I would list 31 reasons I love my life. So here it goes:

1) I am still here. Looking back on some troublesome years (18-24), part of me thinks I defied some odds because there are multiple times I could say "I should have died doing that!" or "That really was not smart!" Either way, the Lord saw it fit to keep me here and I am so glad he did. I am thankful for each day I get.
2) My Husband. If  you want to know why I love him so much, go here . It's just a snippet of the man I get to spend my life with.
3) My amazing daughter Caroline. If you don't already know why I love her so much...just read some of the posts on this blog.
4) I have an amazing family. All though we are far from perfect.. I love my mom, dad and sister. They are loving, caring and supportive. Not to mention each of them picked some fantastic additions to my family: my step-mom Karen, step-dad Gary and future BIL David.
5) My nieces... Maddie and Hadley. I love them so.
6) My extended family. I have awesome Grand Parents In Law that I love and that love the Lord. I have an amazing MIL that is one of the most thoughtful ladies ever. Awesome aunts and uncles I adore. A SIL that I love spending time with...all of them are wonderful and I am so thankful for.
7) My health. I have been relatively healthy my whole life and I don't take it for granted. I am still in good shape and plan to stay that way until I really am old and gray! God willing!
8) I get to stay home with my little girl each day. I don't have to miss a second of her growing up...and I am so thankful for that.
9) I love my home. It is little, sweet and homey. It has a roof and a warm bed for me to sleep in at night. It's perfect for us.
10) I have the greatest dog Zeus who has been a companion of mine for 10 years. He is still going strong, protects our home and he loves my little girl.
11) I love my friends. God has blessed me with some amazing girl friends to walk this life with. Although they have come along later in my life, I am a better person because of them. They have shown me what true friendship looks like and I look forward to growing old with each of them.
12) Church. I just love the place.
13) I love my story. It's ugly, messy, embarrassing and beautiful. It shows that there really is a God who really does extend grace and really does work miracles. If you knew me B.C. (Before Christ) you know this is true.
14) I get to live in America. This might sound cheesy and or stuck up, but since none of us got to choose where we were born...I am glad I was born here in the land of the free. I get to believe what I want, say what I want (for the most part) and write what I want. It's a good place to live.
15) I love being able to travel each year with my husband.
16) We have a job that provides for our family. I am so thankful for Dave Ramsey for taking care of his employees and that he hired my husband.
17) We have cars to take us places. It would be miserable to have to walk with a baby everywhere..right?
18) I love that I have time to do things I love to read. I love to read.
19) I love that I have a group of moms to share this mom experience with each week. They really have become such a part of my life and helped me in this transition season.
20) I love living where I finally feels like home.
21) I love being able to mentor a college girl who reminds me so much of myself. It's a way for me to help her make different choices than I made.
22) I love that I don't stop changing. My life never stops changing and I hope I never stop either. 30 years from now I want to be way wiser, more compassionate and a fierce lover of people.
23) I love my sister. I know I said it earlier...but she deserves her own spot. I love her so.
24) I love the Bible and the fact I get to read it everyday. It's a privilege.
25) I love being creative and crafty. I love being able to plan events or sew pretty little things for friends. I love that God made me this way.
26) I love that my husband gives me "off mommy-duty" time to just go and be me.
27) I love the beach and getting to go with our best buddies every year. It is something that I look forward to.
28) I love that God freed me from worrying about what everyone else thinks of me.
29) I love being a mom. It's the best job God could have chosen for me.
30) I love me. I can finally say it, I love the person I have become.
31) Jesus has made this life worth living. He above all else is the main reason I love my life...because He loves me.

Whew that was hard...but it was a good exercise in gratefulness. You see, it's in the remembering that I become grateful for where I have been and begin looking forward to where I am going. So here's to the next 31 years, or however many years the Lord allows.
