Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An Exhausted Mother's Prayer

After a couple days of little sleep because of a baby with a I am. Can you relate?

To hope in You is all I have. Lord I am tired, short tempered and exhausted. Lord, I love being a mom but some days it feels so heavy, like I am never going to make it through. Then there is You and this Holy Experience called life. This job, as a mother, needs to be drilling out of me the all revealing selfishness I see so often. So much it's sickening. To be a mom, to be a follower of You, is to lay down my life moment after moment. To follow You, to feed Your sheep. That means Caroline.
Am I exhausted...yes. But, I can pull from Your strength. You promise in Isaiah 40 that You are everlasting. You will never grow tired or weary. And You tell me that if I simply HOPE in You- I will be strong again. You will give strength to the weak and rest to the weary. You will make me mount up on eagle's wings.
So Lord by faith, I hope in You. I hope you will refuel me. I hope you will strengthen me to be a better mom for Caroline. I hope you will calm me. You promise these things if I simply hope in You. So today I do just that... and I will rest in Your arms.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I had a rough day with my two sick kids and I felt like so weak and frustrated from caring for them both.

  2. Thanks for this. I am 42, the mother of a surprise high needs 9 month old baby boy and a twenty year old daughter. I also have a chronic pain condition caused by herniated discs in my neck. Some days I don't know if I am going to survive. My help comes from the Lord...

  3. To the above... Forgot to add a full time job which requires me to be at work at 4:30 am. It's a lot to deal with...
